
EMDR Europe Accredited Supervisors – individual supervisions:

Abramowicz Magdalena – phone no. 505 705 425

Barszczewska Joanna –; tel. +48 695 167 338

Małaczek Anna – phone no. +48 605 258 455

Olędzka Marzena – obecnie nie prowadzi superwizji

Szpringer Monika –;  phone no. +48 506 112 606

Wójcik Magdalena – phone no. +48 509 058 841

We also organise group supervisions – the dates of such meetings are notified by e-mail.

Upcoming group supervisions: 28th May 2021; 05th, 15th, 25th June 2021

1. Supervisions 28 May 2021, 25 June 2021:

Date:                   28 May 2021 4.00 pm;

                            25 June 2021 11.00 pm

Place:                  ZOOM platform

Duration:           Four hours

Group size:        Eight people

Fee :                    220,00 PLN

Supervisor:        Magdalena Abramowicz


2. Supervisions 05, 15 June 2021:

Date:                   05 June 2021   11.00 am;

                            15 June 2021   4.00 pm

Place:                  ZOOM platform

Duration:           Four hours

Group size:        Eight people

Fee:                    220,00 PLN

Supervisor:        Joanna Barszczewska
