To become the PTT EMDR member, three essential criteria must be met:
- Hold a completion certificate for at least the first part of the basic EMDR EUROPE-accredited EMDR training;
- Fill in the membership declaration and send it to:; (download membership declaration)
- Pay the membership fee after receiving confirmation that the declaration has been accepted.
Membership fees to be paid to the PTT EMDR bank account:
Polskie Towarzystwo Terapii EMDR 86 1050 1012 1000 0090 8043 4351
- Annual fee (due by 31 January each year); add information “payment of fees in Euro – at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the first working day of January in a given year) – 150.00 PLN.
New members are admitted upon the decision of the PTT EMDR Board.