Psychological early intervention

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Psychological early intervention

Psych.E.In. - Psychological early intervention: clinical training

Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project start and end dates: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2022


The Covid-19 pandemic is stressing the crucial competences of sanitary staff and rescuers involved in emergency psychology interventions. To deal with humanitarian emergency is a new community priority to face. Psychological Early Intervention project aims to strengthen accessibility and expertise in the field, which can increase the professionalism of care provided by psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. It is directed to individual, social and professional targets, helping communities going back to normal life after disasters or critical events.

Tangible Results - Intellectual Outputs

  1. I.O. 1 M.O.O.C., a VET e-learning training, aims is to develop clinical skills of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in an emergency trans-theoretical perspective as well as VET trainers of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts using interactive methods such as videos, cases analysis, exercises, peer evaluations.
  2. I.O. 2 Toolkit aims to offer an easy self-training to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts and their VET trainers for personal debriefing after psychological early interventions. The purpose is to take care of the mental health of psychological staff preventing burn out, distress and consequences of vicarious trauma.
  3. I.O. 3 Case studies aim to develop description of multiplier settings in Psychological Early Intervention and the multiplier intervention approaches in Emergency. Case studies will offer a systemic matrix of expertise in which each learner could recognize the best interventions for contents and specific target psychological demand.

Intangible results

Consortium will improve common language and networking with VET organizations and other stakeholders in emergencies. Individual mental health and community resilience will be improved by qualified Psychological Early Intervention. Special attention is set to fragile population such as children, women in pregnancy, seniors and rescues. Health care and rescue staff competences to deal with victims in humanitarian emergency will be improved.

Partner Organisations:

  1. Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce (UJK), Poland
  2. Associazione EMDR Italia, Italy
  3. Pixel – Associazione Culturale, Italy
  4. Institut Alfred Adler de Paris, France
  5. Institute of Group Analysis Athens, Greece
  6. Asociace klinických psychologů České republiky, Czech Republic
  7. Univerity of Presov, Slovakia

Total funding: 299 860, 00 EUR

Scientific expert and project team leader: dr hab. Monika Szpringer, prof. UJK

Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce

Collegium Medicum


tel. 41 349 69 31

The European Commission's support for this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.